Concert Mishaps


Image courtesy of Rony Alwin (via ABC News Radio)

A lot can go wrong during a concert and often times do.  Katy Perry is no stranger to malfunctions at her shows (such as walking off the stage). Most recently, Perry was stuck flying high over the audience at her concert in Nashville, TN. She was stuck on planet Saturn at her show, at least it wasn’t Uranus (ha! get it?).

“I’m really stuck,” she told concert attendees. “This is the first time that I’ve been stuck in space. I know I’m kind of a space cadet, but actually, this thing is being stuck right now.”



Another recent concert mishap happened to Marilyn Manson. Mr.Manson was minding his own business performing at the Hammerstein Ballroom when all of a sudden the props of two large guns held together with scaffolding fell, crushing him. He was rushed to the hospital were Ms. Tolles (his publicist) did not detail the nature or severity of Mr. Manson’s injuries or offer specifics about how they happened but did make a statement that said, “Manson hopes to return to the stage soon.”

If you want to watch Mr.Masons prop fall performance (which I know you do and you know it too) you can check it out here.


Those are just two of the many concert mishaps that have happened over the years. With that said, performs beware.