20 Styles, 1 Song: Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” gets the ultimate cover treatment

Katy Perry, YouTube, Dark Horse

Katy Perry’s controversial “Dark Horse” gets an epic cover treatment

Almost everyone, in one way or another, performs covers of their favorite artists or songs, be it in a karaoke club, in the car on your way to work, or even in the shower when you think no one is listening. Anthony Vincent, however, takes cover tunes to all new heights!

The bearded/tatted/pierced Vincent (who reminds me, in no small way, of the character Peter Vincent from the remake of Fright Night) absolutely kills it by singing Katy Perry‘s “Dark Horse.” But this is no mere cover, my friends. Vincent breaks it down into 20 10-second segments, each one a totally different style. From Rock to rap, to heavy metal and even opera, this brilliant montage has it all!

Okay, I have to admit that I geeked out in parts of this video. No, I’m not a Katy Perry fan. Sorry, it’s just not my kind of music. I am, however, a huge metal fan. Hearing Katy Perry in the style of Iron Maiden, Metallica, Pantera, and Slipknot put a smile on my face for which I am grateful no one was around to see. I also thought the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Frank Sinatra pieces were particularly inspired.

After watching this video I immediately headed to Vincent’s YouTube channel (Ten Second Songs) in hopes of finding many more smile-inducing performances. Alas, the channel is new, but here’s hoping that this newcomer pumps out more videos faster than Justin Bieber can piss off a Miami cop.

Perform your own covers with Sing-N-Share and KaraokeOnVEVO today. Like us on Facebook and share your performance with the world!

Karaoke Christmas Bundle Spotlight: “Jingle Bells”

Jingle bells

Only two more days before Christmas!! I don’t know about you, but I turn into a little kid again at this time of year. Like millions of people across the world, one of my favorite Christmas songs when I was a kid was “Jingle Bells.” Upbeat and care-free, Jingle Bells is a perfect representation of the Christmas spirit, but did you know that it wasn’t originally intended to be a Christmas song at all?

One of the best-known Christmas carols of all time, Jingle Bells was written by James Lord Pierpont and published in the fall of 1857 with the original title “One Horse Open Sleigh.” Though it has become a mainstay of Western Christmas tradition, the song was originally meant to be sung as a celebration of another popular American holiday, Thanksgiving.

Though speculation varies with regard to exactly where and when Pierpont actually penned the song, the subject matter is much less vague. According to the Medford Historical Society in Medford, Massachusetts (in which Pierpont lived for a brief time with his wife and three children), Jingle Bells was inspired by the popular sleigh races held in the town through the 19th century.

Since its original phonograph (Edison) cylinder recording by the Edison Male Quartette in 1898, Jingle Bells has been performed and recorded by multiple artists, including Lois Armstrong, Nat King Cole, The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, and ‘N Sync.

And now it’s your turn! Whether it’s the more updated urban version below (found on our KaraokeOnVEVO Youtube channel) or the more traditional version available on both Karaoke Cloud and our free Sing-N-Share app, it’s time to do your best tribute to this beloved Christmas classic. Peace and joy, my friends!

Ten people you meet at karaoke


You know them all.

They’re present at every karaoke night, in Anytown, USA, determined to embellish your quality of life with their idea of the superior karaoke experience. As a public service, to help you readily identify the various species of Genus Karaokus, we present this by-no-means exhaustive list, in all their glory, or lack thereof.

The Diva. Dressed for a cocktail party and dripping with costume jewelry, she sings well, smells great, looks fantastic, and is well and truly aware of all three.

Performs like: a Broadway understudy being given her first big chance. Will be drinking: room-temperature mineral water. Will ask the KJ: at least three times to adjust the reverb on her microphone because it’s “too dry”. Will leave when: the crowd fills less than half the room. Favorite song: “My Heart Will Go On” – Celine Dion.

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The Karaoke Hall Of Fame


DigiTrax Karaoke has the new April 2013 Pop/Rock release ready for you at Karaoke Cloud, and it just happens to include “Hall Of Fame” in the style of The Script. And while we’re on the subject, we’re not too modest to say that we think DigiTrax Karaoke is definitely Hall Of Fame material.

If there were a Karaoke Hall Of Fame, this is what we think you’d find there:

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